Q:Why do you want to choose network marketing business?

A:The Network Marketing business allows an individual to create a second stream of income or multiple streams of income. Network Marketing can generate a residual income that a regular job cannot. The Network Marketing business will allow you to work at your own pace and schedule. You will have total control of your time, you can make the amount of money you desire, and create a lifestyle of your dream. You are your own boss.

Q: Isn’t network marketing a pyramid or scam?

A: We know pyramid schemes are illegal. Pyramid schemes are people who make money from signing up other people, where no products or services are sold by the company.  A legitimate network marketing business sells products or services where distributors make money through the transfer of products or services. A legitimate network marketing company provides its associates an equal opportunity to succeed and make more money than his or her sponsor or people joined before them, and become the top income earner.

Q: Do people make money in network marketing business?

A: The answer is yes. Network Marketing is a business, just like any other franchise business such as McDonald, Jollibee, 7/11 etc., except in network marketing your startup cost is only less than a ten thousand pesos compared to the hundreds of thousands of pesos or even a million pesos like McDonald. Your risk is manageable. In order to make money, you have to treat it like a business and work at it every day or any opportunity you have. You do have to spend some consistent time to build a residual income. Any distributor makes money when products or services are sold within the network. Therefore it is wise to build a network of associates or customers. Most network marketing companies will provide supports and education that will help you succeed. But one of the most important help is from your leaders, working with the right leaders are very important to your success in this business

Q:Do I have to sell anything?

A:Yes. It is a sales business, but through a different channel. If you think you may be shy or not good in selling, not to worry, there is a reason it is network marketing. You do not have to be the best salesperson to be successful here. Network marketing is about sharing information and connecting with people. You can share information from your personal experiences with the products or services you are involving, and leverage the network’s connection to expand your business.  In fact, you have been doing it every day.  Do you remember the last time you watched a movie or went to a restaurant and shopped at a department store? You like what you watched, ate or saw. When you met with your friends or happened to be a similar subject came up, you started sharing those information with them?  All these years you have been promoting and sharing other people’s business. Except this time you will be compensated with a commission check.  You build the network marketing business with the people who have the same interest on the products, services, lifestyles or financial benefits as you.

Q: Who should I talk to about the network marketing I am involving?

A:  Network marketing is a life-changing business and will eventually generate sufficient income to allow you to achieve financial independence and enjoy a lifestyle you can only dream of.  You can share the business with anyone you can think of if they have a need of your products and services or the financial reward your company is offering. There is no limit on who you can share the business with. You can share it with your friends and family, social media friends, and oversea friends where your company does business

Q:Do I have to put a lot of time?

A:That all depends on your available time and how much money you intend to make. Most people start network marketing business on a part time basis. If you have only 2-5 hours a week to put in, then start with that. You can also set a target on what you want to make and work that into your schedule. But if you want to generate a steady stream of income that will replace your regular job income, you will need to spend more time and effort. The benefit of network marketing business is, once your system is in place, you could spend less time but generate more income. Your reward is multiplied

Q:    How to Join?

A: Purchase directly to HEAD OFFICE/Authorized BOSS Business Center(BBC) -ask for a receipt

Q: Can I have two or more distributorship?

A: Actually this is not a legal issue. This is a policy adopted by companies who are concerned that distributors will "stack" and manipulate to achieve better payout in the compensation plan. Although many companies permit more than one distributorship in a household, the majority do not

Q: Can I sponsor in foreign countries?

A: Yes. Actually because of our online marketing platform we,The BOSS company will encourage everyone to sponsor as many as you can in foreign country

Q:Who is the true sponsor the first contact, or the name on the distributor application?

A: The sponsor listed on the distributor application will be deemed the true sponsor.

Q: Why do network marketing companies prohibit sales in retail stores?

A: If consumers could buy Avon, Tupperware, and Shaklee products in retail stores, why would they bother purchasing them from distributors? Network marketing distributors have made the market for these products. Sales in retail stores would be viewed by companies as undermining the very foundation of the growth of these companies. Providing distributors with a proprietary product to bring to the marketplace, with the assurance that the product will not be sold through retail channels, is a key ingredient in the success of network marketing companies.


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